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BSC,BA,BCOM 1st year, English Chapter 2 The Ideals of Indian art | Question answer | All university | Bastar University

BSC,BA,BCOM 1st year, English Chapter 2 The Ideals of Indian art | Question answer | All university | Bastar University

Here are the all question and answers of BSC, BA, BCOM 1st year, English Chapter 2 The Ideals of Indian art for all college 1st year students

Question and answer:

Bastar University, Ravishankar shukla university, Hemchand yadav university and all universities...

Chapter 2 - The Ideals of Indian art

Q.1)  What God make the Hindu Trinity?

Ans. Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva made the Hindu Trinity.

Q.2) When did the process of absorption in Indian art begin?

Ans. The process of absorption in Indian art begins from the Vedic Age.

Q.3) What did the tribes and races that made indian their home, bring with them?

Ans. The tribes and races the made Indian their home, brought with them their indigenous culture.

Q.4) How werw the arts integralto life India's past?

Ans. The arts were integral to the life in India's past as they were related to the daily life of the people.

Q.5) Why are the artists who painted the exquisite frescoes at Ajanta, not known?

Ans. The artists who painted the exquisite frescoes at Ajanta, remained unknown because Indian art was national and strictly impersonal.

Q.6) What did the artists aim at in achieving in ancient India?

Ans. The artists of ancient India aimed at achieving a true human form in their work.

Q.7) How are the figures of men and women depicted the Indian art?

Ans. In ancient Indian art the figures of men and women are depicted from every possible angle.

Q.8) Why is the Indian genius reveled in Indian art is said to be varied?

Ans. Indian genius said to be varied as the ideals and qualities that shape and develop it are many.

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